Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Fala amém Filha de Deus! [1/5/15]

We were walking to an appt with one of my favorite families last Friday night and ran in to 8 kids playing a volleyball game in the road. We played with them for 2 minutes and then invited them all in to the house of this family for our lesson on, ´´For the Strength of Youth.´´ Slowly to accept, but insistent in the invitation, they followed behind us and participated in the lesson. It was a great lesson where we talked a lot about, showing pictures of, President Monson. We then invited one of the 10 year olds to pray, which she did. I think it was her first non-memorized prayer that she has ever said. With help, she closed like this: ´´In the name of Jesus Christ, ...´´ There was a 5 second pause before anyone said amen. I peeked an eye open to see if she knew what to say next... After the long pause, a 6 year old girl opened up her eyes, unfolded her arms and screamed, ´´Say AMEN you daughter of God!´´

Haha everyone said amen and congratulated the 10 year old girl on her prayer. As I walked away from the appt, I felt really happy that we were able to teach a lesson to adults in a family, in a simple way so that a six year old that doesn't attend church with her family, was able to understand and feel that she was a daughter of God. I feel like this truth is the most important truth for somebody to understand, and later, believe.

I was studying Alma this week, specifically Captain Moroni. To sum a lot of my thoughts up, I realized that the Lamanites were able to gain control over various cities because the people forgot their ´´purpose.´´ (Cap 1 of Preach My Gospel). Mormon explains in a couple of verses the frustration Captain Moroni went through because of all of the hard work he was putting in, and the result of the people not wanting to understand.

These verses made me turn back to Preach My Gospel and re-study my purpose as a missionary. We are to invite all, and then help all, to come unto Christ. Some need help accepting our invitation, some need a good friend that follows-up with them, and maybe others simply just need a reminder of the invitation in the first place.

I hope that all of you at home continue becoming ´´Preach My Gospel Members,´´ so that the enemy doesn't take away that which is of most worth in our eternal lives. Study and live our purpose as Children of an Eternal God. One day we will have to say amen to this life and stand face to face with our Master.

Lets prepare for that great day together in 2015!

Elder Welch

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